Saturday, January 7, 2012

Thanksgiving Day

November 24, 2011 was Thanksgiving Day.  We ate lunch at Gab and Pop's with Aimee, Chris, Riley, Regan, and Harrison.It was a pretty day so the kids were able to play outside.  So far this fall has been very mild...I like it that way! 
We went to Granny and Big Daddy's for supper. Anne Cambria, Johnny, and Danielle were also there.  We have so very much to be thankful for! 
Paxton @ 4 months old

Relaxing in Big Daddy's recliner after a big meal!

Danielle and Anne Cambria 
Thomas, Paxton, Anne Cambria, and Lyla Claire
(Of 39 shots, this was the best one!)

I love, love, love this big smile of his!

Laughing at Daddy!

FUM Preschool Thanksgiving Program

On November 17, 2011, Lyla Claire and Thomas were in the Thanksgiving Program at their preschool, First United Methodist Church, Tupelo.

All of the kids were precious. They sang songs about being thankful and their love for Jesus.  There is nothing sweeter than kids singing to Jesus. Their voices are so innocent and genuine.